PhySamp is a package dedicated to phylogenetic sampling. It samples a sequence alignment according to its corresponding phylogenetic tree. Current stable version is 0.2.0. Current development version is 1.0.0, and works with the development version of Bio++ (2.3.0).
The PhySamp package currently contains two programs:
- bppalnoptim samples a sequence alignment by removing sequences in order to maximize the number of sites suitable for a given analysis. The program has three running modes:
- Interactive: the user will be iteratively proposed a set of choices for sequence removal, with their corresponding site gains. The procedure stops when the user does not want to remove more sequences, and the resulting filtered alignment is written.
- Automatic: the user enters an a priori criterion for stopping the filtering procedure (for instance a minimum number of sequences to keep).
- Diagnostic: this mode allows to plot the trade-off curve, by showing the site gain as a function of the number of removed sequences.
The underlying algorithms have been published in BMC Bioinformatics (doi: 10.1186/s12859-015-0619-8), please site this reference if you use this program:
Dutheil JY1,2, Figuet E3. Optimization of sequence alignments according to the number of sequences vs. number of sites trade-off. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015 Jun 9;16:190.
- bppphysamp samples a sequence alignment by removing redundant sequences. It uses a phylogenetic tree or a distance matrix as input, and remove sequences based on their similarity. Available options include
- remove sequences which are less than X% divergent
- keep the X most divergent sequences
The bppalnoptim and bppphysamp programs are command-line driven. You can get pre-compiled executable files for your system for the stable version. Stable and development versions can be compiled on any system with a decent C++ compiler (include at least Linux and MacOS). The latest version of PhySamp (0.2.0) is based on Bio++ 2.2.0, also available on GitHub Development version is 1.0.0, and is based on the development version of Bio++.
- Pre-compiled executables are available here linux x64 linux i386
- Source code is available here here
- Git repository address is
The programs depend on the Bio++ libraries. Pre-compiled executables are statically linked, and therefore already include all required code from the libraries. Pre-compiled packages will ask for all required dependencies, which can be found in the same download directory. For compiling the programs yourself, from the downloaded sources or from the git repository, please follow the instructions from the Bio++ website
Several example data sets are distributed along with the source code of the package. A reference manual is also available here, or can be downloaded as PDF. Questions can be asked on the dedicated forum: here.